Bridal Bouquets

Instruction for Bridal Bouquet

Ideally, you should remove the plastic pouch and paper towel before placing the bouquet in a vase of water. Take care to make sure the water is cool and the water level is high enough to reach all the stems. Place the vase and bouquet in an air-conditioned room.

If this is not possible, you can simply place the bridal bouquet within an air-conditioned room and away from direct sunlight,

On the morning of your big day, remove the bouquet from the vase or plastic pouch and briefly wipe the stalk and ribbon dry.

Instruction for Corsages Place the box of corsages within the fresh fruit/vegetable compartment of your refrigerator before usage.

Instruction for Corsages

Place the box of corsages within the fresh fruit/vegetable compartment of your refrigerator before usage.